Britain and France are now at war with Germany. The British ultimatum expired at 11 a.m. yesterday, and France entered the war six hours later ╤ at 5 p.m.
The first announcement that the country was at war was made by Mr. Chamberlain in a statement broadcast from Downing Street. A little later Mr. Chamberlain addressed the House of Commons, where the fateful words ╥The country is now at war╙ were heard calmly and with a notable demonstration of determination and unity and with a review that the doubts and anxieties of Saturday had been swept away.
Notification that a state of war existed was handed to the German Charge d╒Affaires at 11.15. This constituted a formal declaration of war.
Last night the King broadcast a call to the British people to stand calm and firm and united.
War Cabinet
The following War Cabinet has been constituted:╤
Prime Minister........................................Mr. NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN
Chancellor of the Exchequer.................Sir JOHN SIMON
Secretary for Foreign Affairs.................LORD HALIFAX
Minister for Co-ordination of Defence..Admiral of the Fleet LORD CHATFIELD
First Lord of the Admiralty....................Mr. WINSTON CHURCHILL
Secretary for War....................................Mr. HORE-BELISHA
Secretary for Air.....................................Sir KINGSLEY WOOD
Lord Privy Seal.......................................Sir SAMUEL HOARE
Minister Without Portfolio.....................LORD HANKEY
Mr. Churchill thus returns to the post he held at the outbreak of war in 1914. Lord Hankey was for many years Secretary to the Cabinet.
Mr. Eden rejoins the Government as Dominions Secretary with special access to the War Cabinet.
Lord Gort, V.C., until now Chief of the Imperial staff, has been appointed Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces in the Field. General Sir E. Ironside becomes Chief of Staff in his place, and General Sir Walker Kirke becomes Commander-in-Chief of the Home Forces.
Mr. Hore-Belisha, the Secretary for war, announced in the House of Commons yesterday that men under 19 already in the Army would not be sent abroad. He also said that the class aged 18 would be one of the last to be called up. It was intended to start at 21 and go up the scale very considerably before calling on the younger men.
The Admiralty, which was already in control of all British shipping, has now adopted the convoy system.
The banks will be closed to-day, but will reopen to-morrow. The Stock Exchange remains closed for the present.
All cinemas, theatres, and other places of entertainment are to be closed until further notice. Sports gatherings, indoor or outdoor, which involve large numbers of people congregating are prohibited. Church and all other places of public worship will not be closed.
President Roosevelt, in his broadcast to the United States last night, declared, ╥America will remain a neutral nation.╙ He disclosed that the proclamation of neutrality was already being prepared.
The German Government handed in its reply to Sir Nevile Henderson twenty minutes after the expiry of the time-limit. It refused to give any assurance to withdraw troops. For the rest the reply consisted of propaganda. After saying that Britain╒s ╥rigid╙ attitude had caused the crisis and that the Poles had attempted to ruin Danzig, the reply went on:
The Germany Government and nation has not, as Great Britain has, any intention to rule the world, but they are determined to defend their freedom, their independence, and their life. We take note of the British intention to destroy the German nation now even more than it was destroyed by the Treaty of Versailles ╤ of which intention Commander King-Hall has informed us by order of the British Government.
The French Chamber and Senate met on Saturday to hear the Premier╒s account of events and a message from the President. The two Houses voted war credits to cover the needs of national defence to the end of the year.
A joint Anglo-French declaration last night declared their intention to conduct hostilities with a firm desire to spare civilian populations and to preserve monuments to human achievement.
Turkey has given an assurance that she stands by Britain and France. Eleven smaller European States have declared their neutrality.
Assurances of support are being received from many parts of the Empire. The one from New Zealand invites suggestions from London of methods by which she can best assist ╥in the common cause.╙ The Commonwealth Premier announced in a broadcast to the nation last night, ╥Australia is at war.╙ The Dominion Parliament has been summoned for Thursday to give its authority ╥for effective co-operation by Canada at the side of Britain╙.
The German armies are now invading Northern Poland from both sides of the ╥Corridor,╙ and Polish Silesia from Slovakia and German Silesia. They have also attacked from the air many towns and villages far from the fighting zone.